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(859) 940-7480


Expungement is the legal process used to remove or delete a case from a person’s criminal record. In Kentucky, most misdemeanors are eligible for expungement, as well many Class D Felonies. However, you must wait five years from the end of your sentence, which includes probation. For example, if you are sentenced to two years’ probation, your wait time for expungement will be seven years from the date of conviction. 


The exception is DUI’s which have a “look back” period of ten years. You would have to wait 10 years from the date of conviction to petition the Court for expungement. You’ll want to call or text John at (859) 940-7480 because there are other criteria that must be met for expungement. 


Expungement is also the vehicle used to restore someone’s gun rights, and/or civil rights. If you recently applied to buy a firearm and were denied, contact John and we’ll see if you could benefit from expungement. 


Note: Courts in Kentucky look at the person’s criminal record as a whole – not just case by case. You must have a “clear five years” from this day looking backward, for any misdemeanor or felony to be eligible for expungement. This means, you can’t plead guilty to a misdemeanor this year, and hope to apply for expungement of other cases next year. This five-year window means that you have not entered a guilty plea in the last five years. Contact us for a free review of your eligibility date, and call or text John at (859) 940-7480 if something happens during your five-year window, to ensure a new guilty plea doesn’t complicate your expungement.

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